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Thema: can't download & can't decode anymore

  1. #1

    can't download & can't decode anymore


    I have downloaded a few shows but now I can't decode anymore. Error: You are not allowed to decode any pooled recordings. From what I can see I need gwp. I currently have -19. DO I have x number I can download a month or because I have -19 I need to get that into positive figures?

    Ok so what do I do? Can I keep clicking banners and eventually have enough gwp to download again?

    How much does 1 download cost to in gwp?

    If I do pay 5 E gives me 50 gwp? So how long will this last. Again I am not sure how much each decode costs - please could you help me out.

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Jul 2006

    AW: can't download


    You need a premium-account to decode shows from pooling-stations.

    And your GWP-Account must be 0 or higher to decode a file.

    If you pay 5€ you get 500GWP, minus any costs from PayPal.

  3. #3

    AW: can't download & can't decode anymore

    Thanks for that. How much gwp does each decode cost?

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Jul 2006

    AW: can't download & can't decode anymore

    Zitat Zitat von whodini Beitrag anzeigen
    Thanks for that. How much gwp does each decode cost?
    The premiumaccount costs 50 GWP with 125 decodings.

    As Beginner you have 15 decodings, but you need a positive gwp-account to use them.

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Sep 2007

    AW: can't download & can't decode anymore

    50 decodings/month for 50ct/month or 125 decodings/month for 200 bannerklicks/month

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2007

    AW: can't download & can't decode anymore

    Zitat Zitat von dmjr Beitrag anzeigen
    50 decodings/month for 50ct/month or 125 decodings/month for 200 bannerklicks/month
    No, I think that's wrong.

    Right answer: 50 decodings for 200 bannerklicks or 125 decodings for 50 cent and you will get Premium!

    It is also important to know, that you doesn't pay the money at the end of the month, but you have to pay that every 30 days...

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