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Thema: Plötzliche Fehlermeldung

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Apr 2008

    Plötzliche Fehlermeldung


    Ich hab heute eine Fehlermeldung in VirtualDub bekommen. Poste hier mal mein Crash-Log:

    VirtualDub crash report -- build 28346 (release)
    76fa4fa0: 8bf0            mov    esi, eax
    76fa4fa2: 8d859cfaffff    lea    eax, [ebp-564]
    76fa4fa8: 2bf0            sub    esi, eax
    76fa4faa: 6a00            push   00h
    76fa4fac: 8d8584faffff    lea    eax, [ebp-57c]
    76fa4fb2: 50              push   eax
    76fa4fb3: 56              push   esi
    76fa4fb4: 8d859cfaffff    lea    eax, [ebp-564]
    76fa4fba: 50              push   eax
    76fa4fbb: 8b07            mov    eax, [edi]
    76fa4fbd: ff3418          push   dword ptr [eax+ebx]
    76fa4fc0: ff159011f976    call   dword ptr [76f91190]
    76fa4fc6: 85c0            test   eax, eax
    76fa4fc8: 0f84837c0100    jz     76fbcc51
    76fa4fce: 8b8584faffff    mov    eax, [ebp-57c]
    76fa4fd4: 018590faffff    add    [ebp-570], eax
    76fa4fda: 3bc6            cmp    eax, esi
    76fa4fdc: 0f8c26fdffff    jl     76fa4d08
    76fa4fe2: 8b8598faffff    mov    eax, [ebp-568]
    76fa4fe8: 2b858cfaffff    sub    eax, [ebp-574]
    76fa4fee: 3b4510          cmp    eax, [ebp+10h]
    76fa4ff1: 0f8311fdffff    jnc    76fa4d08
    76fa4ff7: 8b8d98faffff    mov    ecx, [ebp-568]
    76fa4ffd: 33f6            xor    esi, esi
    76fa4fff: 2b8d8cfaffff    sub    ecx, [ebp-574]
    76fa5005: 8d859cfaffff    lea    eax, [ebp-564]
    76fa500b: e961ffffff      jmp    76fa4f71
    76fa5010: ff8588faffff    inc    dword ptr [ebp-578]
    76fa5016: c6000d          mov    byte ptr [eax], 0dh
    76fa5019: 40              inc    eax
    76fa501a: 46              inc    esi
    76fa501b: e96effffff      jmp    76fa4f8e
    76fa5020: 90              nop    
    76fa5021: 90              nop    
    76fa5022: 90              nop    
    76fa5023: 90              nop    
    76fa5024: 90              nop    
    76fa5025: 8bff            mov    edi, edi
    76fa5027: 55              push   ebp
    76fa5028: 8bec            mov    ebp, esp
    76fa502a: 8b4508          mov    eax, [ebp+08h]
    76fa502d: 53              push   ebx
    76fa502e: 33db            xor    ebx, ebx
    76fa5030: 3bc3            cmp    eax, ebx
    76fa5032: 0f84f1490300    jz     76fd9a29
    76fa5038: 8d5001          lea    edx, [eax+01h]
    76fa503b: 8a08            mov    cl, [eax]      <-- FAULT
    76fa503d: 40              inc    eax
    76fa503e: 3acb            cmp    cl, bl
    76fa5040: 75f9            jnz    76fa503b
    76fa5042: 56              push   esi
    76fa5043: 2bc2            sub    eax, edx
    76fa5045: 8d7001          lea    esi, [eax+01h]
    76fa5048: 57              push   edi
    76fa5049: 56              push   esi
    76fa504a: e8f64bffff      call   76f99c45
    76fa504f: 8bf8            mov    edi, eax
    76fa5051: 3bfb            cmp    edi, ebx
    76fa5053: 59              pop    ecx
    76fa5054: 741c            jz     76fa5072
    76fa5056: ff7508          push   dword ptr [ebp+08h]
    76fa5059: 56              push   esi
    76fa505a: 57              push   edi
    76fa505b: e89e71ffff      call   76f9c1fe
    76fa5060: 83c40c          add    esp, 0ch
    76fa5063: 85c0            test   eax, eax
    76fa5065: 0f85c5490300    jnz    76fd9a30
    76fa506b: 8bc7            mov    eax, edi
    76fa506d: 5f              pop    edi
    76fa506e: 5e              pop    esi
    76fa506f: 5b              pop    ebx
    76fa5070: 5d              pop    ebp
    76fa5071: c3              ret    
    76fa5072: 33c0            xor    eax, eax
    76fa5074: ebf7            jmp    76fa506d
    76fa5076: 90              nop    
    76fa5077: 90              nop    
    76fa5078: 90              nop    
    76fa5079: 90              nop    
    76fa507a: 90              nop    
    76fa507b: 8bff            mov    edi, edi
    76fa507d: 55              push   ebp
    76fa507e: 8bec            mov    ebp, esp
    76fa5080: 51              push   ecx
    76fa5081: 51              push   ecx
    76fa5082: 8b450c          mov    eax, [ebp+0ch]
    76fa5085: 56              push   esi
    76fa5086: 8b7508          mov    esi, [ebp+08h]
    76fa5089: 8945f8          mov    [ebp-08h], eax
    76fa508c: 8b4510          mov    eax, [ebp+10h]
    76fa508f: 57              push   edi
    76fa5090: 56              push   esi
    76fa5091: 8945fc          mov    [ebp-04h], eax
    76fa5094: e8b0d8ffff      call   76fa2949
    76fa5099: 83cfff          or     edi, 0ffh
    76fa509c: 3bc7            cmp    eax, edi
    76fa509e: 59              pop    ecx
    76fa509f: 0f              db     0fh
    Built on KOS-MOS on Tue Feb 12 22:09:24 2008 using compiler version 1400
    Windows 5.1 (Windows XP x86 build 2600) [Service Pack 2]
    EAX = 00000002
    EBX = 00000000
    ECX = 00000001
    EDX = 00000003
    EBP = 0012e5d4
    ESI = 04661ef8
    EDI = 01fb1010
    ESP = 0012e5d0
    EIP = 76fa503b
    EFLAGS = 00210202
    FPUCW = ffff027f
    FPUTW = ffffffff
    Crash reason: Access Violation
    Crash context:
    An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'msvcrt'...
    ...reading address 00000002...
    ...while passing start message to video compressor (w32videocodecpack.cpp:332).
    Pointer dumps:
    ESI   04661ef8: 314d447c 314d4564 046534b4 046534cc 0465a8a8 0465fb20 00000020 00000002
    EDI   01fb1010: 0000010f 00000001 00000000 000002d0 00000240 00000001 00000033 00000000
    ESP   0012e5d0: 0012e638 00000000 6415a9a3 00000002 0012e638 0000022c 0012e610 312fab6e
          0012e5f0: 04654b10 0012e610 04661ef8 312f7f84 04652c94 00000c7f 0012e610 00000001
          0012e610: 04661ef8 00000000 3140f7da 0012e638 ffffffff 046534b8 00000008 04661ef8
          0012e630: 00000010 0000000f 0000010f 00000001 00000000 000002d0 00000240 00000001
    EBP   0012e5d0: 0012e638 00000000 6415a9a3 00000002 0012e638 0000022c 0012e610 312fab6e
          0012e5f0: 04654b10 0012e610 04661ef8 312f7f84 04652c94 00000c7f 0012e610 00000001
          0012e610: 04661ef8 00000000 3140f7da 0012e638 ffffffff 046534b8 00000008 04661ef8
          0012e630: 00000010 0000000f 0000010f 00000001 00000000 000002d0 00000240 00000001
    Thread call stack:
    76fa503b: msvcrt!_mbsdup [76f90000+15025+16]
    6415a9a3: ff_x264!x264_encoder_open [64100000+5a920+83]
    312fab6e: ffdshow!DllUnregisterServer [312e0000+17ea0+2cce]
    312f7f84: ffdshow!DllUnregisterServer [312e0000+17ea0+e4]
    3140f7da: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+420ea]
    31405265: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+37b75]
    3140524b: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+37b5b]
    3145f003: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+91913]
    31461866: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+94176]
    10001963: ff_vfw!DriverProc [10000000+1750+213]
    6e5d18e6: MSVFW32!ICSendMessage [6e5d0000+18b5+31]
    0057685e: VDVideoCompressorVCM::Start()
    777a661f: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [77740000+66570+af]
    777a68fd: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77740000+66670+28d]
    0058bb72: free()
    777a68fd: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77740000+66670+28d]
    777a661f: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [77740000+66570+af]
    0058bab6: malloc()
    0058c09f: (special)()
    00472baa: ?$vector::_Insert_n()
    0046dfa1: ?$vector::insert()
    00510448: VDFraction::reduce()
    777a68fd: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77740000+66670+28d]
    3145e548: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+90e58]
    10001933: ff_vfw!DriverProc [10000000+1750+1e3]
    0058c732: realloc()
    00515457: VDPostCheckExternalCodeCall()
    00575fd4: VDVideoCompressorVCM::Query()
    0046abed: Dubber::InitOutputFile()
    30921251: libavcodec!av_free [306d0000+2510e0+171]
    7c3423aa: MSVCR71!calloc [7c340000+2357+53]
    308d3702: libavcodec!avcodec_open [306d0000+2035b0+152]
    7c3416b3: MSVCR71!__crtLCMapStringA [7c340000+13ae+305]
    7c3416b8: MSVCR71!__crtLCMapStringA [7c340000+13ae+30a]
    31411b59: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+44469]
    777a66ea: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77740000+66670+7a]
    760c9a26: kernel32!HeapFree [76080000+49a12+14]
    774eaf25: ole32!CoInitializeEx [77490000+5ad63+1c2]
    774eaf41: ole32!CoTaskMemFree [77490000+5af2e+13]
    3146a404: ffdshow!DllGetClassObject [312e0000+189b40+8c4]
    314612c7: ffdshow!configureEnc [312e0000+ed6f0+93bd7]
    0046c5db: Dubber::Init()
    74dcb439: UxTheme!GetThemeBool [74dc0000+a886+bb3]
    770584f5: USER32!EnumDisplayMonitors [77040000+1844c+a9]
    7705fea1: USER32!GetWindowLongW [77040000+1f8bf+5e2]
    7705fe61: USER32!GetWindowLongW [77040000+1f8bf+5a2]
    7705fdf3: USER32!GetWindowLongW [77040000+1f8bf+534]
    7705fea1: USER32!GetWindowLongW [77040000+1f8bf+5e2]
    7705fea1: USER32!GetWindowLongW [77040000+1f8bf+5e2]
    7705fe61: USER32!GetWindowLongW [77040000+1f8bf+5a2]
    77059d6a: USER32!ReleaseDC [77040000+19ced+7d]
    77059d75: USER32!ReleaseDC [77040000+19ced+88]
    77059d75: USER32!ReleaseDC [77040000+19ced+88]
    77059d75: USER32!ReleaseDC [77040000+19ced+88]
    7705310b: USER32!GetDesktopWindow [77040000+12314+df7]
    7705311b: USER32!GetDesktopWindow [77040000+12314+e07]
    777a5dae: ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher [77740000+65d80+2e]
    770599bf: USER32!GetWindowLongA [77040000+19994+2b]
    770599cb: USER32!GetWindowLongA [77040000+19994+37]
    77046fd1: USER32!SetMenu [77040000+6faa+27]
    004adc07: VDProjectUI::UISetDubbingMode()
    004a56e3: VDProject::RunOperation()
    777a661f: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [77740000+66570+af]
    777a71e6: ntdll!RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying [77740000+66dc2+424]
    777a6e0c: ntdll!RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying [77740000+66dc2+4a]
    00472588: ?$list::(special)()
    00461b11: SaveAVI()
    004b4304: func_VirtualDub_SaveAVI()
    0050cfe7: VDScriptInterpreter::InvokeMethod()
    0050ccf3: VDScriptInterpreter::InvokeMethod()
    0050d718: VDScriptInterpreter::ParseValue()
    0050cce4: VDScriptInterpreter::InvokeMethod()
    0050d4dd: _catch$?ParseExpression@VDScriptInterpreter@@AAEXXZ$0()
    0058bb91: free()
    0058bb91: free()
    0050bd24: VDScriptInterpreter::Token()
    0050d458: _catch$?ParseExpression@VDScriptInterpreter@@AAEXXZ$0()
    0050ba6b: VDScriptInterpreter::isIdentNextChar()
    0050be13: VDScriptInterpreter::Token()
    0050d7bd: VDScriptInterpreter::ExecuteLine()
    004b038d: RunScript()
    0058c09f: (special)()
    7777de90: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [77740000+3dccc+1c4]
    7777dd4a: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [77740000+3dccc+7e]
    00514f63: ?$list::_Incsize()
    00514fdf: ?$list::_Insert()
    0051513a: VDAttachLogger()
    0051517e: VDAutoLogger::VDAutoLogger()
    00488299: VDProcessCommandLine()
    76d34f9f: MSCTF!TF_GetGlobalCompartment [76d20000+14b61+43e]
    760cadb7: kernel32!LocalFree [76080000+4ad76+41]
    76d23b45: MSCTF!TF_Notify [76d20000+2461+16e4]
    76d4f9bc: MSCTF!TF_CreateDisplayAttributeMgr [76d20000+2b9d5+3fe7]
    777a7512: ntdll!RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying [77740000+66dc2+750]
    760cadb7: kernel32!LocalFree [76080000+4ad76+41]
    777a4280: ntdll!NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort [77740000+64274+c]
    7777e738: ntdll!RtlUnlockHeap [77740000+3e6f8+40]
    7777e738: ntdll!RtlUnlockHeap [77740000+3e6f8+40]
    760a0311: kernel32!LocalUnlock [76080000+2024b+c6]
    760a02d0: kernel32!LocalUnlock [76080000+2024b+85]
    -- End of report

    Vielen Dank im vorraus!


  2. #2

    AW: Plötzliche Fehlermeldung

    Hallo holykiller!

    Ein Tipp: Das nächste Mal den Fehlerlog als Code einfügen (#-Symbol bei Beitrag verfassen). Dann wird die Seite auch nicht endlos lang.

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Apr 2008

    AW: Plötzliche Fehlermeldung

    Sorry. Habs verbessert.

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