There are two or three tools made by OTR users for automated download.
The last published software has the ability to grab the download links itself so you don´t even have to go on the website.
Maybe the software is german only I didn´t test it yet.

Would be nice if you click the banners the software shows (if you don´t do on the website). This will help OTR to stay free of charge

The software has no automatic decoder. But you could use TornadoTV for that. It has an inbuilt decoder that can decode a whole folder itself.
If you wait some days the normal decoder software will do the same. They are just working on it (german and english version there)

There´s also an downloader & decoder that will download everything you put in a textfile or something like this. You need to grab the links on the OTR website.
It will check if the download failed (if the filesize is under 1MB) and redownload if needed. After that the files will be decoded automatically.
In the thread someone else published a software that does the same.

It´s all running under windows. :roll: